Call for Applications Jacques Dalibard Award

ICOMOS Canada is pleased to invite applications and nominations for 2024 Jacques Dalibard Award, which will be awarded during our Annual General Assembly in November 2024.

The award reflects ICOMOS Canada founder Jacques Dalibard’s commitment in fostering new generations of heritage practitioners, and is awarded annually to emerging heritage professionals (who may be involved in traditional heritage fields such as architecture, landscape architecture, archaeology, museology, planning, etc.; or in more innovative areas of practices), citizens or residents of Canada, who have distinguished themselves through an emerging body of work or through a specific project, demonstrating leadership in the promotion of cultural heritage at the local, national or international level. The recipient will be invited to present on their work.

ICOMOS Canada calls upon its members and friends to put nominations forward before September 29, 2024, by submitting the nomination package to the ICOMOS Canada secretariat at the following address:

History of the Jacques Dalibard Award

The award was created by ICOMOS Canada as a tribute to Jacques Dalibard (1935-2007), its founder and first president, who distinguished himself by his exceptional leadership in the field of conservation, both in Canada and abroad, and was the award’s first recipient in 2002. Since then, several pioneers of heritage conservation in Canada have received the award such as Christina Cameron (2003), Martin Weaver (2004), Francois and Renée LeBlanc (2005), Robert Grenier (2006), Robin Letellier (2007 – presented posthumously) and Herb Stovel (2008).

After several years of suspension, and in consultation with the Dalibard family, the selection criteria and award were revised to reflect Jacques’ commitment in fostering new generations of practitioners. The new Jacques Dalibard Award was presented to Mallory Wilson (2018) Jennifer Birch (2019), Desirée Valadares (2021), and Leanna Wigboldus (2022).

Eligibility and Selection Criteria

Recipients of the award will be individuals or groups of individuals who, at the time of their nomination and selection: 
– are Canadian citizens or permanent residents; 
– are not members of the Board of ICOMOS Canada; 
– are still early in their heritage career, yet have demonstrated leadership in an activity (such as a preservation project, an educational initiative, a publication, etc.) that is aimed at promoting cultural heritage. The activity should be compatible with the principles and objectives of ICOMOS Canada. It can be completed within the two-year period before the nomination is received or still be in the course of implementation.

The award offers the opportunity to the recipient to present their work and to participate in the ICOMOS Canada Annual General Assembly and the joint National Trust/APT Conference in Montreal from November 13-16, 2024. Travel costs will be covered by the organization. 

The applications can be submitted by the candidates, or by others, if agreed upon by the nominee. 

The application must include the form available below, as well as any other supporting documents, and should be submitted via email to the following:, by September 29, 2024, at 23:59 Pacific Time.